GOP health care bill

The Republican health care bill makes no sense

How the GOP Health-Care Bill Failed

Inside the Night McCain Helped Doom the Republican Health Care Bill | 'McCain' | FRONTLINE

Democrats respond to pulled GOP healthcare bill

Assessing the impact of the failed GOP health care bill

The Stunning Drama Of Killing The GOP Health Care Bill | All In | MSNBC

GOP faces backlash over health care bill

Here’s what’s in the Senate GOP health care bill 2.0

Speaker Paul Ryan responds to pulling the GOP healthcare bill

GOP remains split on health care bill

GOP Health Care Bill Fight Is Far From Over | NBC Nightly News

Pelosi: GOP health care bill is mean

House Passes GOP Health Care Bill With 217-213 Vote | NBC News

GOP health care bill lacks support to proceed

Senate GOP releases health care bill and battle lines form

Bernie Sanders: GOP health care bill is barbaric

GOP negotiates as House prepares to vote on health care bill

President Trump reacts to failed GOP health care bill

The Senate GOP’s best shot at a health care bill after other ideas fail

Breaking down the House GOP health care bill

Trump Blasts Congress Over Failure Of GOP Health Care Bill

House GOP wrests narrow win in health care bill fight

New version of Graham-Cassidy health care bill amid GOP divide

New GOP Health Care Bill Teeters on the Brink